Saturday 26 May 2012

BROADCASTING LIVE FROM VENUS RISING! We will be broadcasting LIVE from the Wise WOlf Council being held at the Venus Rising Association for Transformation at Isis Cove, North Carolina /

SPECIAL GUEST INTERVIEW: Dr. Kent Mesplay - 2012 Presidential candidate for the Green Party. Dr. Kent believes that sustainability is security: Especially with instability in climate, it is important to enact policies and behaviors encouraging less consumption, promoting local, independence-enhancing solutions and affording people of all levels of training and education to have basic economic well-being. /

Patricia Cori - Author, teacher/lecturer and spiritual guide to sacred sites and ancient worlds. She has studied mysticism, philosophy, ancient civilizations, metaphysical healing, spirituality and unexplained mysteries as she has used her clairvoyant abilities to heal and support others. Aided by extraterrestrial intelligence of the higher dimensions, she channels from the Sirian High Council. / /

LIVE FROM ISIS COVE INTERVIEW: Jeremy Schewe - Jermey is a QiGong master and hosts many excursion like Shamanic Journeys, Spiritual Bootcamp, Sacred sites tours & more. /

Kedar Brown - Reawakening our Indigenous Wisdom and Opening the Heart of Compassion. Evolution and Integration through Earthbased Traditions like Vision Quest Ceremonies, SweatLodge Ceremonies, and other Journeys for
Soul Centered Evolution. /

WORLD NEWS 3D UPDATES: Ryan Matthew Dernick - Writter for GCN Network and is the founder and author of Bell wether Post. UPDATES ON: Politics, Earth Changes, Economic & Financial updates, World Events as they unfold /

HEALTH & WELLNESS UPDATES: Dr. Thea Summer Deer - A medical herbalist and intuitive, educator, licensed minister, singer-songwriter and published author. Her involvement with Alternative Medicine spans 35 years as owner of Mindbody and Evolutionary Press, and as the Executive Director of Resources for World Health. /

MUSIC ARTIST: Xavier Hawk - A raw, tribal, techno-sonic medicine man. His music has been featured on National Geographic, independent Movies, compilations, and DVD’s. His one of a kind approach to musical theatrics weaves techno, tribal, jam, and hip hop influences together into a shamanic journey. /

5D GALACTIC UPDATES: Ambassador Arcturus RA - High Council of Arcturus & a Arcturian Scientist. An Arcturian scientist thats bringing ancient futuristic inphotonic gadgets back to this dimension and to help actively anchor light in this world. /

INTERNATIONAL FEATURED EVENT INTERVIEW: - Melanie St. James - Executive Director of Empowerment Works, Melanie oversees programs, innovates educational workshops and presents publicly at diverse environmental and social forums. In 2007 after participating in the World Social Forum in Kenya, Melanie initiated Empowerment WORKS’ biennial conference The Global Summit (2008, 2010, 2012 +) – which she continues to develop as a platform to unite the world’s most powerful and grass-roots voices to develop sustainable solutions. /


Tuesday 22 May 2012

Monday 21 May 2012

*** The top five superfoods to always keep stocked in your pantry ***

Learn more:
*** Big Ag, Monsanto take over research universities and turn them into pro-industry propaganda machines ***

Learn more:
The Strange Sounds Phenomenon: A Comprehensive Chronological Compilation ***
*** MORE Strange Noises In The Sky Chicago ***

Sunday 20 May 2012 *** GREAT VIDEO! 12-year old Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in debt. ***
*** Can you imag­ine a new future for our planet? ***
Join us for the 6th Annual Wise Wolf Council - Weaving Diversity Into Unity Consciousness
*** Memorial Day Weekend 2012 ***
Friday, May 25th at 7 pm – Monday May 28th at 2 pm
At Isis Cove in Whittier, NC

In the Magical Blue Mountains of Western North Carolina
The Wise Wolf Men's Council
gath­ers each year to:

- Network, teach, learn and share stories, visions, cere­monies and emerg­ing ideas from around the world
- Plant the seeds of the new world as we acti­vate our visions and strengthen our commit­ment to serve in our communities
- Drum, dream, dance, hoot, holler, howl and celebrate!
Facilitated by: Men & women of all ages from around the world.

Sponsored by: Venus Rising Association for Transformation, a 501c3 non-profit.

Details: This is an outdoor event, rain or shine, on hilly terrain with a $65 land use fee.

Lodging: Camping sites avail­able for $45 for the whole week­end. An off-site lodg­ing list is avail­able here. Reserve your lodg­ing early, as this is a popu­lar Memorial Day vaca­tion area.

Meals: Food vendors are avail­able for meals or you can pack a cooler.

Children: Over 5 may regis­ter for the Wise Wolf Pups Camp

No weapons, firearms, drugs, alco­hol or pets allowed during this event

Saturday 19 May 2012

*** Massive Galactic Federation of Light Fleet over New York City (Harlem) 12th Jan 2012 ***
*** Breaking News: Federal District Judge Rules NDAA Unconstitutional ***

Friday 18 May 2012

*** Live Online Rockin Blues Show for Lightworkers, Starseeds and Wayshowers from around the world. The date is June 5, 2012 at 9PM Eastern time on ***

Thursday 17 May 2012

*** Starseed Characteristics - who and what are we ***
*** FACT: It is Impossible for Cancer to Exist in an Alkaline Oxygen-Rich Environment ***
*** Major Disclosure Announcement from Dr. Steven Greer ***
The Disclosure Project and CSETI has teamed up with Emmy award winning filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka to make an historic new documentary on Disclosure, Contact and the suppression of New Energy.
*** WOW, CHECK IT OUT! Tila Tequila: '3 Dark Man-Made Greys' Sent to Scare Her ***
On her Facebook Fan wall, reality TV star Tila Tequila wrote about how three "man-made" Grey aliens were sent to scare her, although one can only infer that this was related to her exposing the Illuminati in her recent past.

"""" Never forget me for my love for you has always been true no matter what happens I don't care anymore I already died 7 times. Might as well let them finish the rest im not scared anymore. Lucky for me I saved 2 anti-seizure meds so swelling slowly coming down now but it hurts so bad. stop threatening me im not scared of u anymore. Come on then. Finish it off. fuck off you KNOW who's almost here and they are NOT happy with what u did to us at all! UR JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING FASTER THAN U REALIZE! I'm one of the FEW who actually remembers "MY CONTRACT" before entering here. So I always knew before I was even born! You have always been there throughout my life watching haven't you" I remember you but Im not scared anymore. As for your litte gimmicks sending over 3 "DARK MAN-MADE" "GREYS to scare me: HA! u think I'm that dumb? well now the joke's on you! Your FAKE MAN MADE WANNA BE "GREYS" wont do shit. But at least I am friends with REALLLLL ONES FROM THE GOOOD LIGHT WHITE SIDE. THEY ARE REAL! Give it up with your pathetic fake greys! People are becoming a lot more stonger and smarte than you realize. They are cming for you and you know they are not happy. You cant keep BLOCKING THEM OUT of "GOOGLE EARTH" for much longer by using some lame dark square in attempts to keep the public from knowing the truth which they have a right to know! Ur all fucked anyway so I dont care. Come on baby! Ur real followers will chear you and welcome you back with open arms. Then together we, only the good ones will start our new life together at "NEW EARTH" """

You still might be able to see the Google cache version here

In an earlier post that has been scrubbed from her blog, Tila allegedly exposed the Illuminati, to which some suspect led to her brain aneurysm:

Hello Dear Ones,

Now, before you start bashing me for thinking that I am “HATING” on Lady GaGa, let me please tell you first that I am not, nor is this post about that. I just wanted to bring light to something that I have known for a VERY long time. Maybe some of you remember me going on about an hour tweeting about these “secrets” that I know of, a long time ago on my old Twitter account. A lot of people knew what I was talking about and was in awe or shocked that I knew so much about it. Other’s who don’t know much about it just thought I was talking “crazy” and “nonsense.” However I feel as though it is my duty to start bringing to light the truth behind what is going on in our world today. So unless you have an open mind, then I digress for you to not continue reading my post. However if you indeed DO have an open mind, or know of these “HINTS” I am dropping to you, then please continue reading. Just letting you guys know, that I will start posting more and more about this, in bits and pieces, as I don’t want to come out and straight up say the whole thing. But if you follow my posts about this, you shall understand my subliminal message that I want to send you, so you can understand what is happening to you and what “THEY” are doing to you.

Ok first of all, do you guys notice how lately, music video’s have a VERY DARK AND SATANIC vibe to them?? For instance a few years ago, pop music video’s were fun, sexy, cute etc. Sorta like when Britney Spears was at the peak of her career and had fresh pop music video’s like “Stronger” or “I’m a Slave For You” “Don’t Let Me Be the Last to Know” etc. You get my point. Compare music video’s from back then until just now. VERY RECENTLY in the past few years. ESPECIALLY once Lady GaGa stepped on the scene, all the music video’s has turned very DARK & SATANIC! I am not joking.

Even Beyonce is now in on it. I don’t want to tell you all of what I know, RIGHT NOW, because “THEY” are watching. As a matter of fact, I had a HUGE battle with “THE OTHERS” for a long time and I must admit, they are powerful. But there needs to be someone, anyone, to stand up against them and for our world to be restored back into peace and harmony once again.

Hmmm… How can I put this. Well, all of Lady Gaga’s Video, even Beyonce’s new video, and XTINA, Miley Cyrus. They all are all of a sudden very DARK & SATANIC! There are TONS of hidden messages in the video and symbols that prove that they worship satan. Please don’t take this as a joke. It is not and it is serious. The Government even now has a way to send out frequencies on your TV that you cannot hear, yet it highly affects your brain and mixed in with all the visuals from the music video’s, you become hypnotized without you even realizing this. That sounds crazy right? Well it is true. I have been studying about this for the past 7 years now and kept quiet about it for a long time, except when I chat with other groups of people I know that also know about “THE OTHERS” if I told you the ENTIRE THING, it will really blow your mind away, but I feel it is SO IMPORTANT for people to know what is happening to them.

This all leads to the urgency of what the Government knows about the 2012 theory of the World Ending. It’s not exactly what you think. There is a lot more to it, I wish I could tell you, but like I said, I will post more blogs to hint to you little by little of what I know and who I have come in contact with to find out even MORE stuff about this. There has been something going on that set off the “RED ALERT” “URGENCY” signal, so that’s why all the pop music video’s are becoming more and more satanic and the artists involved are joined in with “THE OTHERS” so they know what they are doing. Have you guys heard the term “SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL” and you get whatever you want? Well that’s actually true, however the “DEVIL” is real. Rihana, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, XTINA, Miley Cyrus, and yes even Taylor Swift amongst hundreds of others who are apart of this allegiance. It’s all “HUSH HUSH” but I know about it, and I know maybe some of you guys know about it as well. I won’t say it, like I did on my Twitter back then, cuz when I did, all of a sudden Twitter blocked my tweets so no one could see them, and Myspace was also blocking all of my bulletins about this stuff. CRAZY right?

Anyway, the reason behind them doing this with the urgency of the music video’s is because they NEED to turn your brain to mush, so that you just become a vegetable, a robot, a zombie, under their command and not realize it. Have you guys seen the the movie “EYES WIDE SHUT?” well it is VERY SIMILAR TO THAT as well as the movie “DEVIL’s ADVOCATE” I’m telling you, this goes way far and beyond just “ENTERTAINMENT” there’s a lot of fucked up shit going on right now behind the scenes, and conspiracy theories and leading up to the world ending. You would be SHOCKED if I told you which celebrities has the same bloodline as the “DEVIL” God I wish I could tell you more. But for now, i will stop and continue another time.

Just keep in mind next time you see all of these music video’s, if you watch it too much, you too, will be infected and become a zombie, a slave to the GOVERNMENT, without you even realizing it. As for Lady GaGa, she has the MOST SATANIC MESSAGES in her video’s. They used her and use her “MUSIC” and say it’s “ART” but really, its to mindfuck you. Like her new “Alajandro” music video. My god, I couldn’t even BEGIN to point out SO MANY SYMBOLIC SIGNS OF DEVIL WORSHIPPING AND SYMBOLS THAT LINK BACK TO THE “OTHERS”.

I for one, was sent on earth from GOD. To be one of his ANGELS to try to help this world that is half light, and half dark. There is right now a crucial War between good and bad. I am on the GOOD side, and that is why they are always trying to get me. Anyway, there’s more I have to tell you about the frequencies they are sending out via your TV, your cellphones and many more that sends radio waves into your brain to start turning you all into zombies and enslaved under “THE OTHERS”

Now I was hesitant to write this blog as I know they are forever watching and are very POWERFUL. But I feel as a HUMAN BEING, people have a RIGHT to know what is happening to them and I am here, God sent me here, to fight this War against the Darkness and these people who practice Satanic Rituals, that is now being shown on our TV for even CHILDREN to watch! I mean, Lady GaGa hung herself at one of the music video awards with blood dripping everywhere! Now on her new “ALEJANDRO” cover there is a devil-like man carrying her naked, lifeless body, with a HUGE SLIT on the side of her and blood. Yet people think that’s ok just because it’s “ART?” no.

Ok well if you guys are interested, i will tell you more. This is just the first level, i can take you deep, deep, deep into this and teach you so much more about the crazy mad shit that has been going on, and who is in alliance with who. You would be SHOCKED to know. But just know, they “THEY” have been lying to you guys for a VERY LONG TIME!

I gotta go now, don’t wanna cause too much commotion about this before they come and do me wrong again. I will tell you one day how they did me wrong because I knew stuff about them. MAJOR stuff about them and once they found out that I knew, the did some fucked up shit. They own the majority of the media. They can do and say whatever they want, Anyway, enough for now….

As for my fans/haters, who don’t understand what I’m talking about, please disregard this post. But for the people who DO KNOW what I’m speaking of, I will continue to write more blogs like this one but each blog I will leave more and more subliminal messages so that you know more of what I know……

Scary shit,

Forever Yours,

Miss Tila, Angel of GOD.
Dr. Richard Boylan - Ph.D., M.S. Ed, MSW, B.A. is an Educator specializing in Star Kids and Star Seed adults, an emeritus Professor of Psychology, a star-cultures Anthropologist, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (working with experiencers), and a Researcher/ Investigator into the UFO Cover-up. The website of Dr. Richard Boylan is A disinformation-free, professionally-researched, factual information site on UFOs (starcraft), Star Visitors and contact by them, the new Star Kids and adult Star Seeds, on Star Nations, and on the Star Kids Project. /

Dr. Judith Blackburn - PhD, LCSW is a writer, teacher, Shamanic Minister and workshop presenter who has been in a private psychotherapy practice for over 35 years. She is the author of two books: JOURNEY TO WHOLENESS: A Guide to Inner Healing and EMPOWERING THE SPIRIT: A Process to Activate Your Soul's Potential. She offers spiritual development workshops around the country. /

WORLD NEWS 3D UPDATES: Matt Staggs - a writer for and a longtime aficionado of the curious and bizarre. The Disinformation Company is a dynamic, independent media company based in New York City that has the most shocking, unusual & quirkiest news out there. /

HEALTH & WELLNESS UPDATES: Ambassador Arcturus RA - High Council of Arcturus & a Arcturian Scientist. An Arcturian scientist thats bringing ancient futuristic inphotonic gadgets back to this dimension and to help actively anchor light in this world. /

MUSIC ARTIST: Brandon Babb - (aka) b-don - Producer/Dj/Lyricist from Starseed Musik - His blissfulness music that he channels stems from years of living on his own self induced suffering subconsciously and then suddenly awakening to the true beauty that has always been present inside of himself, and inside of everything else in life, waiting to be discovered by us all. /

5D GALACTIC UPDATES: ARREST WARRANTS: Major Disclosure Announcement from Dr. Steven Greer. The Disclosure Project and CSETI has teamed up with Emmy award winning filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka to make an historic new documentary on Disclosure, Contact and the suppression of New Energy. /

ALSO NEWS UPDATES ON: OWS Protests, Earth Changes, Economic & Financial World updates, Health & Fitness tips & more!


Wednesday 16 May 2012 *** Jonah Bolt - Setting up a Crystal Grid at the Washington Memorial around the obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., May 15th, 2012 ***

(Completeing an East Coast Crystal Grid,
one was set in NYC, Miami, & DC,
see youtube channel for other 2 videos)

Saturday 12 May 2012

Leah from Australia - A 19 year old Starseed Indigo talking about her interaction and downloads form the starnations. Updateing us on new information for the planet and what is happeneing in 2012. Also will go into why the starchildren are here during this time.

Erial Ali -  A visionary artist who's artwork can be used for meditation, inspiration & activation. Erial Ali's art is deeply infused with both *magic* and the celestial planes. In fact, there are very few artists that can capture the "essence" of higher-dimensional celestial realms like Erial can. He also creates "beings" that look like elemental nature beings from higher realms and dimensions.

WORLD NEWS 3D UPDATES: Ryan Matthew Dernick - Writter for GCN Network and is the founder and author of Bell wether Post. UPDATES ON: Politics, Earth Changes, Economic & Financial updates, World Events as they unfold -

HEALTH & WELLNESS UPDATES: Dr. Richard Alan Miller - Teacher at Harvard, Writter for Nexus Magazine, Military Intelligence, Physicist & Writer - Living of grid for 30 days & what to do to prepare -

MUSIC ARTIST:DJ Emonie – Evan Sigman - Producer/Dj/Lyricist from NC.

5D GALACTIC UPDATES: ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks! Arrest warrants have now been issued against the international branches of the Federal Reserve -- the European Central Banks, BIS, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Japan.

ALSO NEWS UPDATES ON: OWS Protests, Earth Changes, Economic & Financial World updates, Health & Fitness tips & more!


Friday 11 May 2012

*** High Level Insider: DHS Preparing to Start A Civil War!! ***
*** NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO ARCHIVED OF RADIO SHOW *** S.E.R. MAR 9TH, 2012 - Paul Von Ward & Jonathan Talat Phillips - NESARA

Wednesday 9 May 2012

*** Galactic Grandfather Mountain Gathering - Medicine Wheel - ***

Saturday 5 May 2012

David Griffin - Promoting Exopolitics and UFO Disclosure in Great Britain - Speaking on 'off-planet' cultures and the ethics of intervention in developing worlds, the interface between alien consciousness and ethnopsychopharmacology & the ETI disclosure process and post-disclosure impact -

Anthony Beckett - Research in Exopolitcs, New Energy Technologies (Zero Point Energy), Suppression of information by Space Agencies, Analytical Chemist, Pharmaceutical Scientist, Analytical Development Scientist - /

LIVE ON SCENE GUEST: Edward Twitchell Hall III (Ted) - One of the main Organizers of OWS joining us LIVE from Occupy Wall Street downtown Manhattan, NYC, NY

WORLD NEWS 3D UPDATES: Ryan Matthew Dernick - Writter for GCN Network and is the founder and author of Bell wether Post. UPDATES ON: Politics, Earth Changes, Economic & Financial updates, World Events as they unfold -

HEALTH & WELLNESS UPDATES: Dr. Richard Alan Miller - Teacher at Harvard, Writter for Nexus Magazine, Military Intelligence, Physicist & Writer - Living of grid for 30 days & what to do to prepare -

MUSIC ARTIST: Derek Ryan - His tracks have been rocking clubs worldwide in the crates of such DJs as Markus Shulz, Kaeno, Giuseppe Ottaviani, M.I.K.E, Suzy Solar, Mike Koglin, Above & Beyond, Tempo Giusto, Imag’in, Steve Anderson and more, and have been played on top radioshows/podcasts including Trance Around The World, Global Sound System, Global DJ Broadcast, SAME, Amadeus, In Love For Trance.

5D GALACTIC UPDATES: ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks! Arrest warrants have now been issued against the international branches of the Federal Reserve -- the European Central Banks, BIS, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Japan.

ALSO NEWS UPDATES ON: OWS Protests, Earth Changes, Economic & Financial World updates, Health & Fitness tips & more!


Friday 4 May 2012

David Griffin - Promoting Exopolitics and UFO Disclosure in Great Britain - Speaking on 'off-planet' cultures and the ethics of intervention in developing worlds, the interface between alien consciousness and ethnopsychopharmacology & the ETI disclosure process and post-disclosure impact -

Anthony Beckett - Research in Exopolitcs, New Energy Technologies (Zero Point Energy), Suppression of information by Space Agencies, Analytical Chemist, Pharmaceutical Scientist, Analytical Development Scientist - /

LIVE ON SCENE GUEST: Edward Twitchell Hall III (Ted) - One of the main Organizers of OWS joining us LIVE from Occupy Wall Street downtown Manhattan, NYC, NY

WORLD NEWS 3D UPDATES: Ryan Matthew Dernick - Writter for GCN Network and is the founder and author of Bell wether Post. UPDATES ON: Politics, Earth Changes, Economic & Financial updates, World Events as they unfold -

HEALTH & WELLNESS UPDATES: Dr. Richard Alan Miller - Teacher at Harvard, Writter for Nexus Magazine, Military Intelligence, Physicist & Writer - Living of grid for 30 days & what to do to prepare -

MUSIC ARTIST: Derek Ryan - His tracks have been rocking clubs worldwide in the crates of such DJs as Markus Shulz, Kaeno, Giuseppe Ottaviani, M.I.K.E, Suzy Solar, Mike Koglin, Above & Beyond, Tempo Giusto, Imag’in, Steve Anderson and more, and have been played on top radioshows/podcasts including Trance Around The World, Global Sound System, Global DJ Broadcast, SAME, Amadeus, In Love For Trance.

5D GALACTIC UPDATES: ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks! Arrest warrants have now been issued against the international branches of the Federal Reserve -- the European Central Banks, BIS, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Japan.

ALSO NEWS UPDATES ON: OWS Protests, Earth Changes, Economic & Financial World updates, Health & Fitness tips & more!

*** 60 Minutes Report: Fukushima Now Radiating Everyone: Will Impact All Of Humanity *** *** Radio: Studies showing cesium all the way down West Coast; Pine needles from So. California; Ground samples from Vancouver and Oregon -- Not a lot, my biggest concern is bioaccumulation as it works up food chain (AUDIO) ***
*** 2012 message to humanity ***
***Jim Carrey on "Awakening" ***

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Tuesday 1 May 2012 *** WOW!!! CHECK OUT THESE PICS!!! OVER 135 US CITIES Re-Occupied! Thousands of activists clash with police in New York as May Day protests spread across dozens of U.S. cities ***
*** GMO alert: top 10 genetically modified foods to avoid eating *** Learn more: *** OWS May Day Protests Met With Heavy Police Presence, Canine Units, And National Guard Troops With Machine Guns! ***
*** Private companies intend to mine near earth asteroids, stripping them for valuable resources ***